Business Marketing Tips

Tips To Improve Your Brand Identity

Written by Proforma Durkee | 10/25/17 12:30 PM

Whenever you see that distinct tick, or the slogan “Just Do It!”, who comes to mind? Nike, of course. Coca Cola, Shell, FedEx, Virgin, Apple, and Windows are just some of the brands that have the most memorable logos and brand identities.

Every major brand has a distinct personality. While many of these companies serve similar customers or target market needs, you’d never confuse them. Brands develop specific characteristics that make them unique; most of which are earned through their actions and behaviors.

Smart brands always look to improve that list of attributes and continually reinforce their brand identity in order to attract the customers they want to serve in the future. Here’s how you can do the same:


Remember You’re Selling Your Brand Not A Product

Unless you can show how excellent your product is in 20 seconds, then it’s unlikely to result in a sale. Instead of focusing on the appeal of your product, spend your time making your brand exciting; you need to leave an impression and perception that differentiates your brand. Otherwise people are simply going to shop for your products/services elsewhere.


Figure Out How To Appeal To and Attract The Customers You Want

It’s easy to mistakenly make your brand identity about you; your perceptions and products. However, this is futile given that you aren’t buying your own products and services. Make sure that you find out what it is that your ideal customers are attracted to – think with EQ as well as IQ – you’re more likely to succeed this way. For example, you may just be a home removal service company, however, to customers you are safety, convenience and peace of mind. Make sure to communicate this through your brand identity.


Communicate Your Brand Values Throughout Your Company

It’s imperative to build your brand value from within and then work them outwards. Your brand identity is formed by adhering to your values and promises, and therefore your website and products aren’t the only things that need to properly communicate your messages. Ensure that your hiring policies are inline with the culture and value that you want your brand to communicate and that every person in your company is on-board and aware of your values; adhering to them every day.


Be Consistent

Some people say that routine is the death of creativity, however, when it comes to brand image – it’s best to be consistent. The truth is that people like to know what to expect when they interact with a company, and it’s up to you to ensure that you keep a consistency throughout this process from start to finish. This goes all the way from your tone and personality, to customer relations and direct marketing efforts; consistency is king.


There’s Nothing Wrong With Rebranding

If you’ve been reading through this and have realized that you have made mistakes in your company’s branding; not to worry! Rebranding is completely okay, and in fact it’s beneficial if you’ve been a bit off the mark. Rebranding sensibly shouldn’t impact your customer base and if you do it properly – it will most likely help you grow.

Building a great brand means having a consistent brand experience across all departments. This is is what every business dreams of, but some brands have fallen way off track. To ensure you don’t suffer the same fate, take a look at Marketing Horror Stories that no marketer ever wants to experience. It’s a fun infographic which includes branding bloopers. If you are struggling to make choices when it comes to your brand identity, contact us and we’ll put you in touch with one of our marketing consultants.