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The Durkee Cares Program

durkee-cares-logoWe are committed to giving back. That's why we created the Durkee Cares Program to give back to the charities you support. When you use your ProCorp store, Proforma Durkee will donate 1% of what you spend* to the charity of your choice on your behalf, every year! We believe in giving back to what's important to our customers and we make it easy by donating 1% of every purchase you already make!

No Charity too Small! No Spend too Large! Join our Durkee Cares Program by receiving a demo of our company store and start giving back to your charity of choice today.

Charity Image-min

*Total store spend must be a minimum of $100,000 - donations capped at $20,000

1% Back To The Charity Of Your Choice -2


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