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Proforma Blog

5 Tips for Perfecting Your Marketing Message

By Proforma Durkee on November 1, 2017

The perfect marketing message shouldn’t really feel like marketing. Rather, it should feel genuine—resonating with its reader, recognizing their needs, and offering a welcome solution. It’s a chance for you to engage with potential customers and show them exactly how you can make their lives that much better through your products and services.

Your company’s marketing message is also what sets you apart from your competition in the eyes of your customers. Faced with a choice between two similar products, we can say with confidence that, ten times out of ten, a consumer will support the company whose messaging speaks to them on a personal level. While you can’t please everyone all the time, there are a number of steps you can take to ensure that your marketing message resonates more effectively with your target audience.

Here are our top five tips for perfecting your marketing message:

1. Be Authentic

Your customers are human beings, just like you. As such, it can make a world of difference when a company’s marketing messages read and feel like they came from a living, breathing person—not a faceless corporation who only wants their money. Be authentic through your messaging on every channel and follow through on any claims or promotional promises you make to your audience.

2. Show Some Personality

One way to boost the authenticity of your brand is to show some personality in your marketing messages. For example, use your social media channels to engage with your audience in a playful, humorous manner. Notable brands that do this well include Oreos, Wendy’s, and Old Spice. Just keep things professional and in good taste, or you might find yourself dealing with a PR blunder.

3. Focus on Solving Problems

No one wants to read about how great you think your product is, or how it’s going to be the “next big thing”. That’s why, instead of going down the traditional marketing route of listing all the nifty features in a pushy or salesy tone, you should focus on how your offering gives consumers the solution they’ve been looking for. Always remember that solving customer problems should be at the heart of your marketing messages.

4. Customize Your Message for Your Target Market

Thanks to the wonders of marketing in the digital age, you’re able to segment your database and personalize your messages like never before. This makes it possible to cut down on any marketing messages that get through to the wrong demographic, making for far more effective campaigns and better marketing ROI. If you’re targeting retirees, for example, you probably want to avoid referencing the latest Skrillex release.

5. Be as Clear as Possible

The perfect marketing message is crystal clear and to the point. Even the best graphics won’t make up for messaging that’s vague or confusing; your readers will end up leaving the interaction without having learned anything about your product and company. Clear messaging shows that you know what you’re talking about and that you respect your reader’s time enough not to beat around the digital marketing bush.

Following these tips can help you generate quality leads, build brand awareness, and foster customer loyalty through marketing messages that are engaging and on point. Additionally, it can be valuable to enlist the services of a marketing consultant to help you make sure you’re on the right track. That being said, things don’t always go according to plan and you could end up learning the importance of brand messaging the hard way. Check out our Marketing Horror Stories infographic for terrifying tales of brands that wish they could go back in time and undo their marketing mistakes.



Topics: Sales Tips, Branded Apparel

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